Sing it with me.... "If you see a little sign on the side of the road that says sixteen miles to the LOOOOOOOOOOOVE SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clearly this outs me as to being at karaoke last night, which of course meant I got to hear yet another quartet of college girls sing this karaoke cliche/abomination of a song. Every fucking time I go to karaoke, without fail, I will be tortured by some group of stupid bitches that feel they must be cutting edge and proceed to massacre this song.
There in lies the problem, the hundred or so times I have heard Love Shack "performed" it ends up absolutely brutal. It's not that goddamned difficult.
Well the little secret of my loathing for this song was discovered last night so hooray not only was it "sang" it was dedicated to me.
This song and me is like Simpson's character Sideshow Bob and garden rakes. All I can say is Yeeeeerrrrggghhh.
brilliant and appropriate. kudos kmoney. yay we're seeing lisa tonight!!!
K-money, if you wouldn't mind ceasing the singing of a certain song that YOU KNOW DAMN WELL turns me into a blubbering waste of carbon matter, I'll join your cruse against "Love Shack".
By the way, you absolutely RULED on "Sweet Transvestite" you sexy hunk of man-flesh!
Trouble - I promise not not sing Billy Vera in your presence again.
However, you/we will need to educate Bob on this, as it is also in his repetoire as well.
Star - I dont put any blame with you, I am sure not everybody enjoys Sweet Transvestite. However, your idea of installing a gong should be seriously considered. Perhaps allow the K-J and the crowd 1 overrule of song selection per night.
Bobulah, K-Money, Star; you bitches have been served, tagged, and otherwise ordered to complete the tag and further it in cyberspace.
Huh? Jesus H. Christ in a pin-striped suit riding a unicycle. Don't you apes read my blog??
but its tooooooooooooooo hooooooooooootttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what does tagged mean? if you're talking about that list, ok, glad to do it, but how do i tag?
kmoney, i'm bored with your blog. i want a new rant!!!!
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