Sunday, July 30, 2006

Parfum de Cours

The following is a morbidly amusing new cologne/perfume commercial conjured up by three beer-buzzed people who clamor to the pinnalce of inappropriateness. Anyway it goes a little something like this....

When you need a scent so powerful, Open Graaaave (loudly whispered).

When you absolutely must be noticed, Open Graaaave (loudly whispered)

When you want people to look, but not touch, you can always turn to, Open Graaaaaaaaave (loudly whispered)

Open Grave, the new scent from Calvin Klein is available only for a limited time at fine stores near you.

Open Graaaaaaaaaaaaave (loudly whispered)

(Enter beautiful model with thick Russian accent) "Are you in? Or are you out?"

Open Graaave

**Credit to Bob and Trouble for assisting in the genesis of this exquisitely morbid idea.